Archive for the ‘About The Product Developer’ Category


July 8, 2009

MAS AYU group of health recipes is the product of many years of scientific clinical research conducted by Dr. Ananda Krishnan, a clinical pharmacist and naturopath with wide experience as a hospital pharmacist in the Ministry of Health, Malaysia .

With more than 20 years of both Allopathic and Naturopathic clinical experience and a research doctoral dissertion on spices for health, a unique study which unraveled the secrets of health within spices.

Since his research on spices 10 years ago, Dr. Ananda Krishnan developed more than 20 health recipes based on spices, edible seeds and cereals to empower human health, as adjunct natural therapies for the prevention of illness and also as alternative and complimentary natural therapy for the management of illness.

The research on spices and edible herbs was prompted because of the proven safety of spices which has been consumed by people for thousands of years. The safety of spices renders the product human friendly and totally safe for consumption.

Three categories of spice based products have been identified, first the MAS AYU SPECIALITIES, the second are the PREMIUM SPICE RECIPES and thirdly INTEGRATED SPICE MEDICINAL HERBAL PRODUCTS.

These formulae have been tested on patients at the AK Naturopathy Center for more than five years and its benefits have been confirmed by the clinical outcomes and laboratory tests. More than 1,200 diabetic patients have used some of these products and most of them have shown remarkable improvements.

After five years trial period and having found that these products have powerful medical value, these products have been submitted to the Drug Control Authority of the Ministry of Health for Approval.

The developer of the product believe that the health values of spices must be shared with all humanity.

He is now embarking on a mission to bring these amazing products to the whole world.